Stephanie StullCottage Grove, MN Stephanie (Steph) has almost 20 years of riding and training experience with all different kinds of disciplines and horses. In 2016 she graduated with a BS in Natural Horsemanship at the University of Montana Western. After graduation Steph immediately dove into the horse training business. Based in Cottage Grove, MN Stephanie Stull Performance Horses, incorporates her straightforward, kind, yet clear manner with two core program purposes… First, helping the rider develop the skills needed to reach personal goals. Specializing in lessons for any level of rider and teaching people how to train their own horses to maximize their success. Second, focuses on helping horses reach their full potential by creating a horse that is happy, soft, and supple. Specializing in colt starting, problem horses, and building a horse’s confidence. Steph also enjoys helping groups of people with a specific skill set through clinics and seminars. Specializing in natural horsemanship, desensitizing, body control, and education for the rider. She and her clients have proven the success of her program in the ranch horse arena earning multiple world titles in Pinto and Appaloosa ranch rail, ranch riding, ranch conformation, and ranch trail. #(651) 802-8042 |